lurkcoin ToS

If you are under 13, you must also get your legal guardian to accept these terms.


If you breach a condition in these terms, your account can and will be suspended without notice. lurkcoin also reserves the right to suspend your account without reason, however this is only in extreme cases of non-compliance.


You must not:

Doing anything in the above list will breach these terms and most likely lead to your account being suspended or deleted entirely.

COPPA compliance

lurkcoin is targeted at a general audience, however it does not knowingly collect personal information from children. The user could put personal information into their username, however this is actively discouraged on the "sign up" page and disallowed by this ToS.

Privacy and cookies

By logging into lurkcoin, you are giving consent for lurkcoin to store essential cookies (small pieces of information) in your browser. These cookies will contain an encrypted copy of your username, authentication token, and CSRF prevention data. To delete these cookies, you may either log out or delete the cookies in your browser's privacy settings.

Your IP and visited URLs may be retained temporarily for debugging purposes, however these are not shared with any third-party, and do not contain any user-identifiable information, unless you are using the GET-based HTTPS API.

All transactions in lurkcoin are logged, with the source user, target user and amount transferred. These logs are kept private unless fraud is suspected, and do not contain your IP address.

Your password is salted and hashed (emails are not salted) immediately after signup and are not retained in their plaintext form after you receive the 'Account created!' message.

Changes to these terms

lurkcoin reserves the right to make any changes to these terms of service with or without notice, however in most cases you should be notified.
